Activities » Activities


5th Grade Band
Students in the fifth grade are eligible to participate in the Band program. Band will begin during the first two weeks of school. Students registering later during the school year may join band providing they were in a Band program at their previous school. Students are allowed to participate in Band as long as they keep up with the expectations set by the directors. All students in the Band program are expected to participate in the Spring Concert at the end of the school year.
Students are expected to remain in the program for the duration of the school year to maximize their full potential. However, there may be circumstances that warrant questioning if it is in the student's best academic interest to remain in Band. The parent and/or teacher should contact the band director. Concerns should be discussed and a plan developed to cause success. The following procedure will be followed if circumstances arise questioning the continued participation in Band:
1. Reduced Band time in order to attend study hall. If the student's situation improves, the plan can be reviewed with the Band time returning to their original schedule
2. Elimination of Band time if the decision is reached and all parties sign off on a Band form to acknowledge the proposed action
Field Trips
  • The classroom teacher will choose chaperones, as needed, to accompany the class on the field trip
  • All chaperones are to ride the school bus with the students to and from the field trip destination
  • Younger children are not allowed to accompany on the field trip
  • Parents are not to purchase extra items like souvenirs, snacks, etc
  • In order to avoid lost, damaged or misused equipment, no cameras, cell phones, video games, iPods, etc can be brought by the students
  • Students do not need to bring money. All fees are paid in advance of the trip